About Us

Sea Ranch, California


  • Inspire families to adventure together
  • Get out and “do,” avoid promoting that sedentary lifestyle

I am a full-time working mother to four children: two preteen step-daughters and two infant/toddler boys. As a nurse working on a busy hospital floor, my day-in and day-out often revolves around improving people’s lives. The question of quality-vs-quantity comes up frequently and I have often found that it’s the stories that truly bring out the light in people – no matter what stage of life they are in. So that is why I am here – to help bring some light to your life by sharing my stories and encouraging you to author some of yours. 


This is Derek, my husband, taker of photos, fixer of gadgets, and checker of boxes. He complements my continual need to look forward and plan with his drive to check off items on our list. He isn’t in too many of the photos on here, because he is the eye behind the lens. He loves computers, Star Wars and a good, dark beer.

Follow my family and me through our ups and downs – large family challenges, multi-age obstacles – and resolve to get up and do. Don’t be an observer in your life, build those stories… next destination: Memories.